It’s easy for mission-driven professionals to push themselves so hard they’re exhausted. Here’s how to recognize the signs of burnout — and keep it at bay.
We’ve all been there: That feeling you get when you’re so overwhelmed, all you want to do is… nothing. That feeling has a technical name — burnout — and it occurs when we’re over-worked, overtired, and generally over it. Mission-driven leaders, who tend to be highly motivated, passionate, and over-committed, are even more at risk of burnout than the average person. They push their limits and exhaust themselves precisely because they care so much.
Read more here.

Jessica Hartung
Jessica Hartung is a partner, coach, and guide for those leveling-up their personal professional leadership, their teams, and their communities to a better future.
Jessica has a passion for inspiring and preparing people to grow from their work to improve their lives. In 1998, she founded Integrated Work, a consulting firm that brings top-notch professional development to mission-driven leaders, while being a learning laboratory for innovative work practices.
Jessica provides self-directed professional development tools to leaders at all levels striving to create positive impact.